A good reminder for people who are asked to be executors for a will. This article outlines the extensive duties the executor must fulfill and suggests the use of professionals.... read more →
Basically, you can do whatever you like with your money while you’re alive. But what control do you have over your assets when you die? It’s an interesting thought that... read more →
“Isn’t estate planning all about looking after the assets of the wealthy when they die? What has estate planning got to do with being a single parent?” Of course estate... read more →
Each year, large numbers of Australians die without a Will. As our lives become more complex, it is an oversight that can be as costly as it is heartbreaking. None... read more →
Estate planning can be a confronting and even upsetting activity, so it’s no wonder it’s something many people avoid. However, an up-to-date will and succession plan is crucial for looking... read more →
In recent years there has been a rise in the number of blended and stepfamilies within Australia. Figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics showed that one in five families... read more →
Here are four key issues to consider when establishing or reviewing a Will, accompanied by tips for making an effective Will. 1. Who should you appoint as your beneficiaries? While... read more →
Recent court cases, where the judgements have gone against the deceased's wishes (even though the deceased had given logical and sound reasons for the decision), have highlighted a trend by... read more →